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Tasmania's Latest Light Industrial Tourist Mix Use Business Park and  Proposed Major Sport & Recreation Precinct.

Hobart International Business Park (HIBP) is an integrated 73 hectare Light Industrial Business Park, which includes a Tourist Mix use overlay that goes so much further with assets that will engage and nurture the Tasmanian Community and Business combined. To be situated within HIBP's 159 hectares of land located adjacent to the Hobart International Airport and 12 minutes from Hobart, Tasmania’s capital city. This Light Industrial Business Park will comprise of 150 fully serviced lots between 2000m2 up to 5.8ha.
Go to                               to view latest design and images !

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Please be aware that the layout and depictions on this website are subject to further design changes and modifications. Any displayed tenancies are for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute negotiated terms or confirmed tenants. The information presented is solely for display purposes and may not reflect the final design or arrangements.

HIBP is also excited of facilitating the establishment of a Major Sport & Recreation Precinct adjacent to the HIBP Business Park. HIBP is looking forward to working and consulting with the three tiers of Australian Government and interested parties to plan and develop this much needed and exciting project.Below HIBP's drawn to scale proposed Major Sport & Recreation Precinct indicating what could be developed and facilitated within the identified 29 hectare area. Go to                              to view latest design and images !

**Disclaimer: **

Please be aware that the layout and depictions on this website are subject to further design changes and modifications. Any displayed tenancies are for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute negotiated terms or confirmed tenants. The information presented is solely for display purposes and may not reflect the final design or arrangements.

Establishing a Major Sport & Recreation Precinct can offer a wide range of community benefits, including:

1. Improved Health and Well-Being: These precincts provide opportunities for individuals of all ages and fitness levels to engage in physical activities, promoting healthier lifestyles and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

2. Community Engagement: They become hubs for community gatherings and events, fostering a sense of belonging and community cohesion. Residents can come together to support local teams, athletes, and events.

3. Economic Growth: These precincts can stimulate the local economy by attracting visitors, tourists, and businesses. Hotels, restaurants, and shops may flourish in the area, creating jobs and boosting revenue.

4. Education and Skill Development: High-performance facilities often offer training programs and coaching services, which can help individuals develop skills and pursue careers in sports and related fields.

5. Talent Development: They serve as breeding grounds for talented athletes, nurturing the potential for elite athletes to emerge from the community.

6. Cultural Exchange: Hosting sports and recreational events can facilitate cultural exchange and promote diversity by attracting participants and spectators from various backgrounds.

7. Increased Property Values: Nearby residential properties may see an increase in value due to the improved infrastructure and amenities, benefiting homeowners and the local tax base.

8. Youth Development: Such precincts offer opportunities for youth to engage in constructive activities, reducing the risk of involvement in negative behaviors.

9. Tourism and Promotion: Well-known sports facilities and events can put a city or region on the map, attracting tourists and international recognition.

10. Legacy and Inspiration: High-performance precincts can create a lasting legacy for the community, inspiring future generations to pursue sports, fitness, and active lifestyles.

11. Environmental Benefits: Some precincts incorporate sustainable design and practices, contributing to environmental conservation and promoting eco-friendly initiatives. Cambridge has a high quality locally available supply of Reuse Water that can supply the whole precinct at HIBP.

12. Social Inclusion: These facilities often cater to a wide range of abilities and interests, making them inclusive spaces where people with diverse backgrounds and abilities can participate.

13. Increased Volunteer Opportunities: These precincts often rely on volunteers for events and programs, providing opportunities for community members to get involved and give back.

Overall, establishing a Major Sport & Recreation Precinct can contribute to the physical, social, and economic well-being of the community, making them valuable assets for cities and regions.

For further information for those who want to be part of our exciting project and to register your commercial interest at HIBP,
please email:

**Disclaimer: **

Please be aware that the layout and depictions on this website are subject to further design changes and modifications. Any displayed tenancies are for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute negotiated terms or confirmed tenants. The information presented is solely for display purposes and may not reflect the final design or arrangements.

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